Our Minister, Deacon Michelle Brocklehurst

Hello, my name is Michelle and I am the minister here at Tottington Methodist Church.  I have been serving this church and its community since September 2014.  I began my ministry as a probationer deacon in 2009 and was ordained at Linacre Mission Church in July 2011.  As a deacon, I am member of the Methodist Diaconal Order, which is a religious order within the Methodist Church.  The focus of a deacon’s ministry is to bridge the gap between the church and its community so you will find me out and about in the village, trying to find ways for the church to work with and serve the community.

I am married to Tim and we have two children, who are full of energy and keep us very busy.  We both grew up in Eccles and met at our local church.  Most of our family still live in Eccles so it’s great that we can still see them regularly.

Before training to be a minister, I was a hospital pharmacist, managing clinical services at Pendlebury Children’s Hospital.  Tim has a background in engineering but retrained to be a painter and decorator.  You might see him driving around the village in his van, signed as “Blue Badger Decorating”.  I’ll let him tell you where that name came from!

The things that we enjoy doing together are walking, family holidays, gardening, classic cars and socialising with family and friends.  Tim is an avid supporter of Manchester City FC.  He also enjoys anything to do with steam trains and cooking.  I enjoy eating Tim’s cooking, knitting and listening to rock music.

I love living in Tottington and serving the church here and look forward to working together to discern what God might have in store for us.

God Bless,
